The Centre for Development (CfD) is a Non-Government Non-Profit initiative to promote multi-dimensional development nexus between Scotland and the World’s Developing Nations in close association with the universities in Scotland since February 2004. Indeed, Economic Development Forum (EDF) formed in 1998 at the Department of Economics, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, was since functioning as a platform for policy dialogue on socio-economic development issues relating to both Scotland and the South Asian Nations.


Historically, the South Asian regions have continued to maintain profound multilateral relations with Scotland since the East India Company’s merchant trade with Bengal began in mid-17th century. Remarkably, Dundee’s industrial glory was rooted in Bengal’s jute. Recently, Scotland’s Cairn Energy plc had been a significant player in both Bangladesh and India in off-shore oil and gas explorations, alongside a number of on-going collaborations, link and exchange programs in various fields of multi-lateral importance between Scotland and South Asian Countries. The obvious bonds among these countries have inspired like-minded economists and development enthusiasts to promote multi-dimensional development nexus in Scotland and elsewhere. These finally shaped the Economic Development Forum (EDF) into an organization which since 25 February 2004 is known as The Centre for Development (CfD), hereinafter called ‘the Centre’.


Precisely, The Centre for Development is a civic society organization, devoted to work with organizations and the state to assist the development of civil society structures and social capital within the institutions in countries which the CfD aims to serve.


Multi-Dimensional development initiatives of The Centre for Development (CfD) are being operated and mobilized from its Home Base below as localized.

The Centre for Development (CfD)

University of Glasgow

Glasgow University Union Complex

32 University Avenue

Glasgow G12 8LX, Scotland

Contact Email: info@centrefordevelopment.com

Web Address: www.centrefordevelopment.com

© Copyright 2021 - The Centre for Development (CfD), Scotland